Checkers & draughts lessons
Want to improve your skills quickly? Thanks to our video lessons you will learn how to play American Checkers and International Draughts and how to win at any level from the begginer to the master.
American Checkers vs. International Draughts
American Checkers and International Draughts are the two most popular variants of this strategy board game for two players. But what are the differences and similarities between them? Do you know the size of the board, the number of pieces and which color starts?
- Draughts 10x10
- Checkers 8x8
How to play American Checkers - rules & tips
American Checkers, known also as English Draughts or Straight Checkers, is a board game for 2 players. Find out the rules and the most important hints for beginners: how to set up a board, start a game, move pieces and of course how to win.
- Checkers 8x8
How to play International Draughts - rules & tips
International Draughts, also known as Polish Draughts or International Checkers, is a strategy board game for two players played on a 10x10 board. This prestigious variant of draughts is very popular in Europe and the best players play in professional draughts league in the
- Draughts 10x10
How to play Brazilian Draughts - rules & tips
Brazilian Draughts known also as Brazilian Checkers has the same rules as International Draughts. The only differences are the size of the board (8×8 squares instead of 10×10), and fewer pieces per player (12 instead of 20). Watch our lesson to learn other basic rules and strategies.
American checkers: 5 mistakes you should avoid to win
If you want to be better in American Checkers, this video lesson is for you. You will learn what the most common mistakes made by begginers are and how to avoid them. If you like to move your pieces to the edges of the board, we suggest you should change your habits ;)
American checkers: 5 ways to win quickly
To win a checkers game quickly, you have to gain an advantage. You can achieve superiority on a board by: attacking opponent's pieces, making shots, creating possibilities for an 'opposition', freezing out your rival and getting a king. Watch the video lesson to learn how to execute
all of these plays.
American checkers: how to get an advantage (basic ideas)
In checkers, central squares are more important than edge squares. So to get an advantage you should try to take control of them. What other good practices lead to superiority on a gameboard? Watch the lesson to find out.
American checkers: how to win an endgame
The checkers endgame is the moment when the result of the game is decided. How can you put yourself in a favourable position to finish the American Checkers game as a winner. For example, what should you do to win when both you and your opponent have only one king left?
American checkers: how to start a game
Checkers beginners underestimate the central squares of a board. But the truth is that centralizing your pieces and building strong formations in the middle are wise strategies in the opening. One more hint: be careful of moving base pieces!
American checkers: simple shots
In American Checkers using tactics is the fastest way to win a game. If you want to improve your tactical skills, this lesson is for you. Double jump, also known as a 2 for 1 combination, is the simplest shot. What are other shots? Watch to find out.
American checkers: traps in first 3 moves
In checkers, trapping the opponent's pieces brings you tangible benefits. You can set traps even in the first moves. It requires some imagination and forward thinking, but it is very pleasing. Watch the lesson to learn how to set traps based on the examples.
International draughts: majority capture rule
The 'majority capture rule' distinguishes International Draughts from other variants of checkers. It means you always have to jump over the highest number of pieces possible. How to use this rule to your favor?
International draughts: how to win quickly
International Draughts (Checkers) gives you greater possibilities to demonstrate your skills than American Checkers. Also, it is the most prestigious version among the checkers family. To win an International Checkers game, you have to utilize rules such as: backward capturing,
majority capturing and a flying king.
International draughts: how to attack?
The ability to attack opponent's pieces is key to winning a draughts game. Check out our 5 tips on how to create threats on a checkers big board.
International draughts: how to defend pieces?
When you know how to defend your pieces against your rival's attack, you have greater possibility to win a game. Learn the basic rules and tactics about a defence in draughts.
International draughts: basic tactical ideas
To make progress in checkers you have to develop both strategic and tactical skills. Strategy is a long-term plan of placing your pieces on the board, while a tactic is a way to get an advantage or win thanks to the cambinations or shots. If you want to learn basic tactics used in
International Draughts, like 'transporting' and removing opponent's pieces or using a free tempo, just watch this lesson.
International draughts: novice coup - advantage in first moves
In International Draughts there are many patterns of making shots allowing you to create an advantage. They are called ‘coups’. The most basic and fundamental one is ‘the novice coup’. In this lesson you will learn a few examples and variants of this shot.
International draughts: a king in an endgame
How to play a king against opponent's pieces in an endgame?
International draughts: how to catch an opponent's king?
How to catch an opponent's king in an endgame of International Draughts?
Hey! You may also enjoy our Checkers app